Martes, Agosto 6, 2013

Reactions of New Trends Technology

When we think of all possible new inventions in the field of science and technology in the year to come, many of it is quiet expected and predictable. Devices, tools, equipment, machinery and other gadgets that beyond our vast imagination is likely to emerge into reality. Technological industries and experts all over the world have made some thorough research and keen studies in order to introduce an innovative invention in 2013. By continues monitoring of technology at hand over the last few years and forecasting its sustainable path, it is factual to say that we have an exciting and fascinating year ahead of us. A more advance environments to live in.
There are heaps of rumors about the mobility product that is going to be launch at the end of the year like the technology being applied to the cars. It is surprisingly to wake up every day and something is waiting to help you in your morning commute and travel course. The car itself is using a high-end technical feature that uses a semi-autonomous intelligence to monitor the side of the road and the car in front of you. A more cautious and safer way of transportation. It is an invention that has put some human brain into the car.

Buzzwords on gesture tablet which has been making a great noise and craze this year and strongly influencing people everywhere. It has also taken its place into a different level and has been upgraded into a leap motion tablet that can detect any hand movements with accuracy compared to the existing one in the market. Without the effort of touching the screen, this small device can able you to flip photos and handle objects. This application is certainly useful to business industry the way how to answer phone calls and giving business presentation with just a flick of the hand movement.

The surface tablet pro is another device to be liftoff by famous and leading IT Company. It has a cool cover or keyboard combo which has a legit Intel i5 dual core processor. The future of windows computing with added office touch that makes this pro model advantageous to business users. This will motivate a superior desire in businesses from small type up to large scale industry knowing anyone can access corporate application from this device at any moment.

This computer inter-action with human beings makes it as the biggest change that will take place in the coming year. Human touch was carried by touch screens on smart phones and tablets. There will be also an upcoming return of the robotics industry for major applications such as drones and toy robots.
Technology will begin to draw more attention and will certainly invite a huge number of fanatics and users. Most of these featured technological developments are still just a chitchats for now but developer and manufacturer of this kind of devices are already making a way to release their products and make it happened. 

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